WMFC offers a range of coaching supports for all our coaches, be it our first-timers in the MiniRoos or the ‘old hands’ in our Senior Leagues. We also have a whole team of experienced coaches ready to assist you. If you need help, reach out and let us help you.
Please remember that all our coaches are volunteers and do their best. Volunteer coaches should be helped not criticised. If you’re not happy with your child’s opportunities, talk to the coach, offer to help at training, take a course or next year consider coaching yourself. Most coaches are only too happy to get assistance on cold winter nights at Waramanga!
Along with our WMFC Executive Committee and Coaching team, please see the below links to assist you in your coaching
WMFC Coaching Philosophy
All new coaches should complete the Miniroos Certificate. This course is free of charge, takes a few hours and is a practical introduction to coaching young players.
Players all get even game time every game – players have all played the same fee to play, so players should all get equal time to play.
Players should rotate through all positions throughout a season – even if you have a superstar goalscorer or lose due to player positional changes. Players can only develop in different positions if they are encouraged and challenged to play in various positions often.
The team’s coach is the only person who should be giving advice when a team plays. Ideally, advice during games is to be kept to a minimum. The advice on training and game day is for the players to enjoy the game without anyone yelling instructions.
Capital Football provides other FFA-approved community coaching courses that provide accreditation at junior, intermediate and advanced levels.
It is recommended that Division 1 coaches are accredited to an appropriate level for their age group.
The WMFC Committee can facilitate various courses for all levels of experience. There are coaching support tips and resources on the Capital Football website.
All players should be given equal playing time over the course of a season, with players beginning to specialise in positions through preference and ability.
Ensure DRIBL information is correct and uploaded 15 minutes before kick-off.
Check that all players are correctly equipped and attired
Encourage the players to play fairly and in the spirit of the game.
Ensure spectators stand back from the sideline (~1 metre) to help any Assistant.
Referee(s) and/or Linesperson(s).
Discourage any poor behaviour in the field. If help is required, seek out a CVO
After home games, collect all equipment and pack it away into the shipping container (last game of the day)
Ensure all rubbish is deposited in the bins provided around the grounds.
Vacate the playing area immediately after the game is over so the next game can set up and start on time
Dencorub and defibrillators